速報APP / 工具 / SNC toolbox mobile

SNC toolbox mobile



檔案大小:14 MB

目前版本:Version 1.1.0

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


SNC toolbox mobile(圖1)-速報App


SNC toolbox mobile is a viewer for displaying the images of Sony network camera, searching for Sony network camera, and setting the view angle during installation using a smartphone or tablet.


SNC toolbox mobile stands for Sony Network Camera toolbox mobile.


• Economical and efficient operation via a smartphone (you can install the camera by yourself).

• Intuitive zooming and focusing operation are available by touch screen operation.


SNC toolbox mobile(圖2)-速報App

• A connection cannot be made to a camera that has the SSL function enabled.

• A connection cannot be made to a camera that has the Digest access authentication function enabled.


Connect using Wi-Fi

There are 2 types of Wi-Fi connections between Sony network camera and devices such as a smartphone or a tablet.

1) Connection mounting the IFU-WLM3 USB Wireless LAN Module (not supplied) to Sony network camera.

For the mounting position, SSID information, and default password of the IFU-WLM3 USB Wireless LAN Module, refer to the Installation Manual.

2) Connection via a Wi-Fi router (connection using a general purpose access point).

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, select the SSID and enter the password of the router to be connected on the Wi-Fi setting display of the smartphone or tablet.
